
Your Guide to Life in Canada

In this Library, you will find a collection of invaluable resources to help you arrive, excel and thrive in Canada.
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Life in Canada
Moving to Canada

The Dark Side of Canada

Things that don’t normally come up when talking about Canada, but you will likely encounter this on a daily basis here
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Worst Mistakes Immigrants Make in Canada

When in Canada, behave like a Canadian.
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8 skills to learn before moving to Canada

Ever wondered why some people are more successful than others?
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8 Things To Know Before Moving to Small Canadian Cities

Why do people prefer staying in big and expensive cities? It’s not all just about job opportunities
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8 Tips for Making Small Talk

We will cover a few important elements that are nonverbal, yet very powerful in creating a positive environment for small talk.
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How to Small Talk

Ever wondering about how to start engaging in conversations with strangers or how to become the master of small talk? Then, this article is for you!
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How to Make Friends in Canada

It's hard to make new friends in a new country. New traditions, different behaviour and language barrier make it harder to assimilate.
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Make That Change is made by immigrants for immigrants.
We create content about career, life, adaptation and education in Canada.