
Your Guide to Life in Canada

In this Library, you will find a collection of invaluable resources to help you arrive, excel and thrive in Canada.
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Life in Canada
Moving to Canada
10 mins

Examples of resume bullet points

Bullet points for different professions using the framework "Achieved X by doing Y as measured by Z"
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3 mins

Words You Should Never Use When Presenting Yourself

The use of some words may hurt your overall image and other's perception of you.
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7 mins

5 Reasons You're Missing Out On Promotion in Canada

You’ve been working hard, and you’d like to see the results of this hard work.
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3 mins

7 High Paid Jobs for Students That Are Actually Cool

In this article we share 7 jobs that pay well and help you acquire important skills for you in your career.
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6 mins

Networking in Canada

Networking is a critical part of job search. This is how to start networking.
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Make That Change is made by immigrants for immigrants.
We create content about career, life, adaptation and education in Canada.